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Popis pozice a požadavky

Infor’s customer success mission is to increase and maximize value for the customer and Infor, ensuring that customer strategic objectives and business outcomes are realized. The Customer Success Executive (CSE) is a crucial owner of the customer within Infor, aligned throughout the customer journey serving as the main executive point of contact with their executive team. The CSE is the overall account owner partnering to bring the full breadth and depth of Infor to customers, helping them achieve their business outcomes and creating mutual value to both organizations.

The CSE establishes the account strategy and executes on that strategy to meet their KPIs focused on customer success, satisfaction, customer expansion, unqualified references, and retention. The CSE is the escalation point for the customer within Infor and serves as an advocate with Sales, Services, Support, Product Development, and partners to drive customer success and desired customer business outcomes. This role will manage a range of customers within the designated Industry and have a set of KPIs in relation to the role level. This position may have a team of indirect resources reporting to them for account engagement as and to aid resolution of issues

A Day in The Life Typically Includes:

80% of the time you will:
• Act as the primary relationship owner driving mutual benefit for small and medium sized customers with a range including but not limited to of USD 250K - $1Million Annual Contractual Value (ACV)
• Own and execute the account strategy, plan, escalation, and governance model for small and medium sized customers
• Identify opportunities for additional Infor capabilities within the account.
• Assist customers with the renewal process. Relationship management:
• Drive a strategic partnership that is aligned with customer business objectives and priorities.
• Develop a trust-based relationship within the account that expand relationships horizontally/vertically.
• Ensure consistent communication, executive, annual, partnering reviews.
• Understand and assist in driving the customers’ strategic vision, buying decision, and value drivers.
• Effectively manage customer escalations and satisfaction level.
• Align Infor pillars such as Sales, Services, Support, Product Development throughout the entire customer lifecycle.
• Coordinate customer access to product & technical experts.
• Work with customers to obtain unqualified references. Value Realization:
• Ensure customers derive maximum value and achieve desired business outcomes with their investment in Infor solutions.
• Help customers define their annual roadmap and work with the customer to define solution adoption and expansion plans.
• Advocate product roadmap enhancements on behalf of the customer.

20% of your time, you will
• Provide updates and communication to leadership on customer health, plans and issues.
• Maintain education on product, industry, and enablement updates.
• Manage account team and ensure team engagement.

Basic Qualifications:
• Extensive professional experience in service delivery, sales, and account management.
• Record of leadership and proven success in large-scale, complex ERP software implementations.
• Strong executive presence and communication skills, including the ability to hold crucial conversations.
• Experience in a consultative role with the C-suite and Executive teams.
• Ability to build and sustain strong working relationships at the executive level.
• Experience working in a highly matrixed environment.
• Demonstrated critical thinking and decision-making skills.
• Lead customer experience outcomes to achieve long term value.
• Successful track record in leading, developing, and coaching high-performing teams.
• Ability to lead, motivate and direct a workgroup.

Preferred Qualifications:
• Fluency in any European Language is preferred. Native equivalent fluency any Scandinavian Language is a distinct advantage.
• A proven track record of leading process improvement initiatives with creative and innovative models.
• Customer-focused and demonstrated success to influence others to achieve results in matrix environment.
• Expertise in business transformation and change management.
• Expertise in specific industry business operations, challenges, and trends.
• Industry experience in Food and Beverage (F&B) and/or Manufacturing.
• Experience in leading a small team of indirect reports

O společnosti Infor

Infor je světovým lídrem v oblasti vývoje cloudového softwaru pro společnosti působící ve specifických průmyslových a dalších oblastech. Infor vytváří kompletní sady aplikací v cloudu a efektivně nasazuje technologie, které kladou uživatelský zážitek na první místo, využívá data science a snadno se integruje do stávajících systémů. Více než 60 000 organizací po celém světě spoléhá na Infor, aby pomohly překonat změny na globálních trzích a dosáhly digitální transformace na úrovni celé firmy.. 
Další informace naleznete na adrese www.infor.com 

Naše hodnoty

Ve společnosti Infor se snažíme vytvářet prostředí, které je založeno na obchodní filozofii nazvané Principle Based Management™ (PBM™) a osmi Vedoucími principy: integrita, správa a dodržování pravidel, transformace, podnikání založené na principech, znalostí, pokory, respektu a seberealizace. Zvýšení rozmanitosti je důležité pro to abychom reflektovali naše trhy, zákazníky, partnery a komunity, kterým poskytujeme služby nyní i v budoucnosti..

Máme neúnavný závazek vůči kultuře založené na PBM. Vycházející z principů, které umožňují rozkvět svobodné a otevřené společnosti, PBM™ připravuje jednotlivce k inovacím, zlepšování a transformaci, zatímco podporuje zdravou, rostoucí firmu, která vytváří dlouhodobou hodnotu pro své klienty a podporovatele a naplňuje zaměstnance.div>

Infor je zaměstnavatel, který poskytuje rovné příležitosti. Zavazujeme se vytvořit rozmanité a inkluzivní pracovní prostředí. Infor nedělá rozdíly mezi kandidáty, nebo zaměstnanci na základě jejich pohlaví, rasy, genderové identity, postižení, věku, sexuální orientace, náboženství, národnosti, vojenského statusu nebo jakéhokoli jiného chráněného statusu podle zákona.

Ve společnosti Infor si ceníme vašeho soukromí, proto jsme vytvořili zásady, které si můžete přečíst zde.