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A Day in the Life/Summary

Provides application and technical support to customers in the Hospitality industry using Infor’s Sales and Event Management software. Answers complex questions on function and usage of the product via phone, chat, and/or case ticketing system. Support includes functional analysis, program analysis, technical analysis, testing and debugging to resolve customer reported issues. Serves as primary support liaison between company and customer in a highly team-oriented environment. Conveys customer feedback to product management staff when needed. Possesses working knowledge of assigned product(s) and operating environments. Operates under moderate supervision. Typically reports to the Team Lead or Director, Support Operations. Requires 2 plus years of relevant support/hospitality experience.

Essential Duties

Resolves clients' problems and/or answers questions on use of product over the telephone, chat, or case tracking system, focusing on product functionality, operating environments, and system configuration/setup.

  • Serves as primary support liaison between company and customer, documenting cases in required tracking systems.
  • Proactively keeps customer informed of how and when problems are resolved with a focus on retention and maintaining referenceable customers.
  • Involved in any additional follow up, testing and troubleshooting, including remote desktop viewing through tools such as Zoom or MS Teams.
  • Responsible for appropriate referral/escalation to other support, consulting services, Sales, subscription services, and quality assurance/development teams as necessary.
  • Conveys customer feedback to product management staff.
  • Will liaise with Development and other departments to insure proper handling of customer issues.
  • Promotes and maintains a high quality, professional, service-oriented company image among users and team.
  • Contributes information to the Support knowledge base.
  • Manages workload effectively following Global Support Procedures to ensure successful completion of tasks.
  • Provides accurate accounting of work and time allocation.
  • Establishes good working relationships with team members as well as others outside the team.
  • Provides occasional assistance to the Professional Services organization providing on-site Application assistance when requested.
  • Takes initiative to learn new products and operating environments.

Basic Qualifications

  • 2+ years’ work experience in a software support/helpdesk role.
  • Possesses working knowledge of assigned product(s) and operating environments.
  • Ability to work as a self-starter researching both problems and solutions from available documentation and resources using problem solving and analytical skills.
  • Possesses full understanding of industry practices as well as Global Support Procedures.
  • Proficient writing, editing, and communications skills.
  • Highly advanced interpersonal and customer service/orientation skills.
  • Proficient PC skills with knowledge of various software applications used for troubleshooting, call resolution, and logging.
  • Consistent case completion with thoroughness and accuracy, ensuring high customer satisfaction.
  • Command of the English language preferred to provide oral and written communication that effectively articulates complex ideas to customers and peers in ways that are easy to understand.
  • Willing to work any assigned shift, including India overnight hours, to support business needs.

Preferred Qualifications

  • Bachelor’s degree in business or computer science or has advanced experience in the Hospitality industry and/or Customer Service experience with a focus on event management.
  • May possess computer programming or software application coding skills.
  • Basic technical knowledge, including cloud-based applications and Internet/networking.
  • Excellent time management, decision making, and organizational skills required to insure most effective and timely delivery of service to clients.
  • Experience in escalation management and negotiating/setting expectations for customers.
  • Previous experience using a CRM to log and work cases such as: Salesforce, Zendesk or ServiceNow would be considered an asset.

O společnosti Infor

Infor je světovým lídrem v oblasti vývoje cloudového softwaru pro společnosti působící ve specifických průmyslových a dalších oblastech. Infor vytváří kompletní sady aplikací v cloudu a efektivně nasazuje technologie, které kladou uživatelský zážitek na první místo, využívá data science a snadno se integruje do stávajících systémů. Více než 60 000 organizací po celém světě spoléhá na Infor, aby pomohly překonat změny na globálních trzích a dosáhly digitální transformace na úrovni celé firmy.. 
Další informace naleznete na adrese www.infor.com 

Naše hodnoty

Ve společnosti Infor se snažíme vytvářet prostředí, které je založeno na obchodní filozofii nazvané Principle Based Management™ (PBM™) a osmi Vedoucími principy: integrita, správa a dodržování pravidel, transformace, podnikání založené na principech, znalostí, pokory, respektu a seberealizace. Zvýšení rozmanitosti je důležité pro to abychom reflektovali naše trhy, zákazníky, partnery a komunity, kterým poskytujeme služby nyní i v budoucnosti..

Máme neúnavný závazek vůči kultuře založené na PBM. Vycházející z principů, které umožňují rozkvět svobodné a otevřené společnosti, PBM™ připravuje jednotlivce k inovacím, zlepšování a transformaci, zatímco podporuje zdravou, rostoucí firmu, která vytváří dlouhodobou hodnotu pro své klienty a podporovatele a naplňuje zaměstnance.div>

Infor je zaměstnavatel, který poskytuje rovné příležitosti. Zavazujeme se vytvořit rozmanité a inkluzivní pracovní prostředí. Infor nedělá rozdíly mezi kandidáty, nebo zaměstnanci na základě jejich pohlaví, rasy, genderové identity, postižení, věku, sexuální orientace, náboženství, národnosti, vojenského statusu nebo jakéhokoli jiného chráněného statusu podle zákona.

Ve společnosti Infor si ceníme vašeho soukromí, proto jsme vytvořili zásady, které si můžete přečíst zde.