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Infor Consulting Services

Popis pozice a požadavky

The role supports our business plan by enabling sustainable growth, enhancing operational efficiency, and improving client satisfaction. This role ensures we can handle more projects without overburdening the team, maintain high-quality delivery, and effectively manage risks, all of which are critical to our long-term success.

Position Summary

A Data Services Solution Architect is a technical leader responsible for designing and implementing solutions that manage, analyze, and utilize data effectively. Their role bridges business needs with technical execution, ensuring that data systems are scalable, reliable, and aligned with the project's goals.

Essential Duties of a Data Services Solution Architect

1. Data Solution Design and Integration

a. Architect scalable solutions for data conversions, migrations, and integrations across systems.

b. Ensure smooth data flow between legacy and modern platforms during transitions.

2. Data Strategy and Governance

a. Develop policies and frameworks for data management, security, and compliance.

b. Ensure adherence to data privacy regulations (e.g., GDPR, HIPAA).

3. Support for Data Conversions

a. Analyze legacy systems and design strategies for efficient data transformation and migration.

b. Collaborate with stakeholders to ensure data accuracy, quality, and minimal disruption during conversions.

c. Provide technical guidance for mapping, cleansing, and validating data throughout the migration process.

d. Design data models and database structures to support business applications.

e. Design optimized data pipelines, collaborating with data engineers.

4. Collaboration with Stakeholders

a. Work with business teams to understand requirements for data conversion and integration projects.

b. Act as a bridge between technical teams and business units to align solutions with organizational goals.

5. Technical Leadership

a. Oversee the execution of data migration and integration activities.

b. Troubleshoot issues related to data compatibility, structure, and quality during conversions.

6. Innovation and Technology Evaluation

a. Research and recommend tools or platforms to streamline data conversion processes.

b. Stay informed on best practices and trends in data transformation and integration technologies.

7. Project Support

a. Provide expertise to ensure data-related projects are delivered on time and meet quality standards.

b. Create detailed documentation and support training for post-migration operations.

Basic Qualifications

1. Educational Background

a. Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science, Information Technology, Data Management, or a related field.

2. Experience

a. Proven experience in data architecture, migrations, or conversions.

b. Hands-on experience with data integration tools and platforms (e.g., Talend, Informatica, MuleSoft).

c. Experience with Infor Cloudsuite Applications (M3, LN, Lawson, FSM, GHR)

3. Technical Skills

a. Strong knowledge of data modeling and relational databases (e.g., SQL, Oracle, MySQL).

b. Familiarity with ETL processes and data transformation techniques.

c. Understanding of data governance principles and compliance regulations.

4. Analytical and Problem-Solving Skills

a. Ability to analyze complex systems and devise efficient data migration strategies.

b. Strong troubleshooting skills to address issues during data conversion processes.

5. Communication and Collaboration

a. Excellent verbal and written communication skills to interact with both technical and non-technical stakeholders.

b. Ability to work collaboratively with cross-functional teams.

Preferred Qualifications

1. Advanced Education and Certifications

a. Master’s degree in Data Science, Information Systems, or a related field.

b. Relevant certifications (e.g., AWS Certified Data Analytics, Microsoft Certified: Azure Data Engineer, or DAMA-DMBOK).

2. Industry-Specific Experience

a. Experience in large-scale data migration or conversion projects in industries such as healthcare, finance, or manufacturing.

3. Technical Expertise

a. Proficiency in cloud platforms (e.g., AWS, Azure, Google Cloud) for data storage and processing.

b. Familiarity with big data tools (e.g., Hadoop, Spark) and data visualization platforms (e.g., Tableau, Power BI).

c. Experience with scripting languages (e.g., Python, R) for data manipulation and automation.

4. Project Management Skills

a. Experience managing or supporting data conversion projects with defined timelines and milestones.

b. Familiarity with project management tools (e.g., Jira, Trello).

5. Soft Skills

a. Adaptability to work on evolving technologies and business requirements.

b. Strong organizational skills to handle multiple data migration tasks simultaneously.

O společnosti Infor

Infor je světovým lídrem v oblasti vývoje cloudového softwaru pro společnosti působící ve specifických průmyslových a dalších oblastech. Infor vytváří kompletní sady aplikací v cloudu a efektivně nasazuje technologie, které kladou uživatelský zážitek na první místo, využívá data science a snadno se integruje do stávajících systémů. Více než 60 000 organizací po celém světě spoléhá na Infor, aby pomohly překonat změny na globálních trzích a dosáhly digitální transformace na úrovni celé firmy.. 
Další informace naleznete na adrese www.infor.com 

Naše hodnoty

Ve společnosti Infor se snažíme vytvářet prostředí, které je založeno na obchodní filozofii nazvané Principle Based Management™ (PBM™) a osmi Vedoucími principy: integrita, správa a dodržování pravidel, transformace, podnikání založené na principech, znalostí, pokory, respektu a seberealizace. Zvýšení rozmanitosti je důležité pro to abychom reflektovali naše trhy, zákazníky, partnery a komunity, kterým poskytujeme služby nyní i v budoucnosti..

Máme neúnavný závazek vůči kultuře založené na PBM. Vycházející z principů, které umožňují rozkvět svobodné a otevřené společnosti, PBM™ připravuje jednotlivce k inovacím, zlepšování a transformaci, zatímco podporuje zdravou, rostoucí firmu, která vytváří dlouhodobou hodnotu pro své klienty a podporovatele a naplňuje zaměstnance.div>

Infor je zaměstnavatel, který poskytuje rovné příležitosti. Zavazujeme se vytvořit rozmanité a inkluzivní pracovní prostředí. Infor nedělá rozdíly mezi kandidáty, nebo zaměstnanci na základě jejich pohlaví, rasy, genderové identity, postižení, věku, sexuální orientace, náboženství, národnosti, vojenského statusu nebo jakéhokoli jiného chráněného statusu podle zákona.

Ve společnosti Infor si ceníme vašeho soukromí, proto jsme vytvořili zásady, které si můžete přečíst zde.