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Infor Consulting Services
Pracovní zkušenosti
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Infor Managed Services (IMS) is part of our Global Delivery Services (GDS) division offering a cost-efficient subscription model for our customers helping to maintain their specific software processes. IMS acts as the primary service provider for any non-standard requirements of Infor ERP Products. IMS provides world-class service excellence through following ITIL standards set across all Managed Services clients worldwide.

As Service Operations Manager, you will be responsible for managing Infor Managed Services (IMS) agreements as per laid out company policies and procedures, project management guidelines and best practices for service delivery. The number of customers in your scope will depend on the size and complexity of the contract. This role is both strategic and operational in focus and will allow you to work directly with our customers.

Service Operations Manager focuses on operational excellence and proactive service management, ensuring that IT services are reliable, scalable, and optimized. Leveraging the ITIL framework, the role ensures consistent value delivery while driving innovation and process efficiency.

This role is critical to maintaining service performance, enhancing customer satisfaction, and achieving long-term organizational goals by efficiently executing tasks under IMS CareFor service pillars, including Business Application Support, Enhancement Lifecycle Management, Release Impact Management, Solution Monitoring, Application Administration.

What You Will Need?
Minimum Qualifications:
  • With ERP Background
  • Fluent in English both written and verbal
  • ITIL Certified
  • Willing to work in US Time zone permanently from 9PM – 6AM
  • A thorough understanding and practical experience of corporate business practices, as well as strong analytical skills or specialized knowledge in a particular field. Additionally, a firm grasp of the fundamental principles of contract management.
  •  Exceptional time management and organizational skills, client-oriented and self-motivated individual with a strong drive for personal development
  • Ability to work well under pressure and meet deadlines while ensuring the delivery of high-quality services
  • Ability to comprehend and adhere to directives from direct supervisor and interact effectively with all levels of management

What Will Put You Ahead?
Preferred Qualification:

  • Experienced working with clients/customers who are major stakeholders such as IT Managers, CEO, VPs, etc.
  • Having experience as a Service Operations Manager or Service Delivery Manager is considered an advantage
  • Having prior experience in Account Management and/or Consulting Management is considered desirable
  • Exposed on service governance related with ITIL (Information Technology Infrastructure Library) processes and incident management

A Day In A Life Typically Includes:
  • Service Operations Management: Oversee IT service operations, ensuring minimal disruption to business activities by managing incidents, service requests, problems, and events to meet agreed SLAs and OLAs.
  • Incident and Problem Management: Coordinate incident resolution efforts, ensuring quick restoration of services.
  • Change and Release Coordination: Focus on transition, change management, risk-free releases.
  • Risk and Infrastructure Management: Oversees the maintenance schedule and upgrade of IT infrastructure and applications.
  • Service Performance Monitoring: Track and analyze service performance metrics, identifying trends and areas for improvement.
  • Continuous Improvement: Proactively identify opportunities to optimize processes and enhance service quality.
  • Role Expectations:
  • Operational Excellence: Maintain uninterrupted IT services, meeting or exceeding SLAs.
  • ITIL Adherence: Demonstrate proficiency in ITIL frameworks and ensure all operations align with ITIL principles.
  • Problem-Solving and Decision-Making: Quickly address incidents and critical situations with effective decision-making and escalation process.
  • Collaboration and Leadership: Build strong relationships with stakeholders to ensure alignment on service delivery goals.

O společnosti Infor

Infor je světovým lídrem v oblasti vývoje cloudového softwaru pro společnosti působící ve specifických průmyslových a dalších oblastech. Infor vytváří kompletní sady aplikací v cloudu a efektivně nasazuje technologie, které kladou uživatelský zážitek na první místo, využívá data science a snadno se integruje do stávajících systémů. Více než 60 000 organizací po celém světě spoléhá na Infor, aby pomohly překonat změny na globálních trzích a dosáhly digitální transformace na úrovni celé firmy.. 
Další informace naleznete na adrese www.infor.com 

Naše hodnoty

Ve společnosti Infor se snažíme vytvářet prostředí, které je založeno na obchodní filozofii nazvané Principle Based Management™ (PBM™) a osmi Vedoucími principy: integrita, správa a dodržování pravidel, transformace, podnikání založené na principech, znalostí, pokory, respektu a seberealizace. Zvýšení rozmanitosti je důležité pro to abychom reflektovali naše trhy, zákazníky, partnery a komunity, kterým poskytujeme služby nyní i v budoucnosti..

Máme neúnavný závazek vůči kultuře založené na PBM. Vycházející z principů, které umožňují rozkvět svobodné a otevřené společnosti, PBM™ připravuje jednotlivce k inovacím, zlepšování a transformaci, zatímco podporuje zdravou, rostoucí firmu, která vytváří dlouhodobou hodnotu pro své klienty a podporovatele a naplňuje zaměstnance.div>

Infor je zaměstnavatel, který poskytuje rovné příležitosti. Zavazujeme se vytvořit rozmanité a inkluzivní pracovní prostředí. Infor nedělá rozdíly mezi kandidáty, nebo zaměstnanci na základě jejich pohlaví, rasy, genderové identity, postižení, věku, sexuální orientace, náboženství, národnosti, vojenského statusu nebo jakéhokoli jiného chráněného statusu podle zákona.

Ve společnosti Infor si ceníme vašeho soukromí, proto jsme vytvořili zásady, které si můžete přečíst zde.