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Číslo pozice
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Popis pozice a požadavky

Manages one or more applications and/or technology software development teams on projects of moderate to large size and complexity and line activities relating to the applicable software(s). Often responsible for the full product development life cycle of one or more applications and/or technology products. Manages development-related activities from inception to release and maintenance. Evaluates and measures progress and results of development efforts. Ensures processes, practices, people are aligned toward delivery of product package and documentation as required by Product Management. The position may include product ownership. Is responsible for overall talent management of all team members including hiring, firing, performance appraisals, and pay reviews.


A Day in The Life Typically Includes:

  • Ensures that products are maintained in accordance to overall SLAs
  • Manages moderate-sized applications and technology software development projects, usually within an assigned product line
  • Ensures projects are completed on time and according to corporate quality standards
  • Facilitates communication upward and across project team including project status, justifications for variances and technical information (architecture, design and implementation objectives)
  • Serves as focal point for other departments on project status or other project information
  • Works with Product Management on delivery of product roadmap items and technology advancements
  • Organizes project through development of a Project Plan
  • Institutionalizes repetitive project and product team practices for efficiency, maintainability, scalability and continuous improvement of product development and delivery operations
  • Exercises independent and solid judgment within generally defined practices and policies in selecting methods and techniques for obtaining solutions. Takes complete ownership of all objectives
  • Ensures applications and technology product are completed according to product specifications and are properly documented
  • Collaborates with release management to achieve product readiness
  • Ensure that affected dependencies to other products are considered throughout the product lifecycle Implementation of the product satisfies the product specifications and technology requirements such as security, performance, user experience, etc.
  • Product architecture and implementation is maintainable and extendible to accommodate future development and maintenance (architecture documentation and architecture design review)
  • Ensures that: a) Documentation gets appropriate level of technical review support b) QA test plans meet the project requirements c) Appropriate development and corporate methods and procedures are followed
  • Manages personnel activities and development of staff (i.e., hires, trains, appraises, rewards, motivates, disciplines, recommends termination as necessary, etc.)
  • Must be capable of communicating clearly and effectively, both verbally and in writing, with those under direct supervision and with higher management. Must be able to communicate with various groups / global organization outside of the development team


What You Will Need:

Basic Qualifications:

  • Bachelor's degree in business, software engineering, computer science or information systems or equivalent experience
  • Excellent understanding of the executive certification process product readiness / release process
  • Minimum of 7 years of technical or domain-related experience in software development
  • With 1-3 years of project leadership experience
  • People management experience
  • Proven experience in leading software product development projects
  • Proficiency in Software Development Life Cycle processes, methodologies and tooling
  • Excellent knowledge of company's software development design procedures
  • Excellent organizational, leadership, decision making, attention to detail and communication skills
  • Helps to mentor less experienced employees in addition to fostering teamwork


Preferred Qualifications:

  • Familiarity with Jira, Azure DevOps, Confluence

O společnosti Infor

Infor je světovým lídrem v oblasti vývoje cloudového softwaru pro společnosti působící ve specifických průmyslových a dalších oblastech. Infor vytváří kompletní sady aplikací v cloudu a efektivně nasazuje technologie, které kladou uživatelský zážitek na první místo, využívá data science a snadno se integruje do stávajících systémů. Více než 60 000 organizací po celém světě spoléhá na Infor, aby pomohly překonat změny na globálních trzích a dosáhly digitální transformace na úrovni celé firmy.. 
Další informace naleznete na adrese www.infor.com 

Naše hodnoty

Ve společnosti Infor se snažíme vytvářet prostředí, které je založeno na obchodní filozofii nazvané Principle Based Management™ (PBM™) a osmi Vedoucími principy: integrita, správa a dodržování pravidel, transformace, podnikání založené na principech, znalostí, pokory, respektu a seberealizace. Zvýšení rozmanitosti je důležité pro to abychom reflektovali naše trhy, zákazníky, partnery a komunity, kterým poskytujeme služby nyní i v budoucnosti..

Máme neúnavný závazek vůči kultuře založené na PBM. Vycházející z principů, které umožňují rozkvět svobodné a otevřené společnosti, PBM™ připravuje jednotlivce k inovacím, zlepšování a transformaci, zatímco podporuje zdravou, rostoucí firmu, která vytváří dlouhodobou hodnotu pro své klienty a podporovatele a naplňuje zaměstnance.div>

Infor je zaměstnavatel, který poskytuje rovné příležitosti. Zavazujeme se vytvořit rozmanité a inkluzivní pracovní prostředí. Infor nedělá rozdíly mezi kandidáty, nebo zaměstnanci na základě jejich pohlaví, rasy, genderové identity, postižení, věku, sexuální orientace, náboženství, národnosti, vojenského statusu nebo jakéhokoli jiného chráněného statusu podle zákona.

Ve společnosti Infor si ceníme vašeho soukromí, proto jsme vytvořili zásady, které si můžete přečíst zde.