Ogólne informacje

Identyfikator zadania
Infor Consulting Services
Employment Status
Workplace Type

Opis i wymagania

Infor is expanding our Services Consulting team and looking for a Consultant to develop and present our industry-leading solutions across Service Industries – in particular Utilities, and Public Sector. In this role you’ll bring your industry experience in workshopping business processes in multi-tenant cloud, along with your experience in enterprise technology and digital transformation. This role will focus on engagements across regulatory and revenue management including supporting business functions such as customer information and request management, regulatory & enforcement, development & planning applications, land and property management, plus billing and revenue management.  Underpinning your delivery of these functions will be experience with some or all the following key business areas, asset management, regulatory, billing and revenue management process areas.

The successful Consultant possesses a strong business acumen and an ability to understand and translate our customers’ business needs and challenges to deliver strategic, customer-aligned and industry competitive solutions. You will use your detailed knowledge of the industry and customer throughout your engagements from discovery, value-based discussions, leading business process workshops as appropriate, and more, to showcase and configure Infor solutions and their application to solve business problems. 

As a consulting professional, you will be equally at home working remotely, as you are with in-person engagements with customers from end-users to management. You will be able to assist in the development of implementation design and then follow through the development and deployment of that implementation plan in conjunction with project management and peers as well as the customer. This includes updating configuration, training customers and producing defined documentation. This will utilise the Infor Deployment Method and Engage processes which you will be trained in. You will build depth of solution knowledge and technical foundation that will allow you to efficiently research and respond to solution based technical questions for the Infor applications you support. 

Consultants work closely with the project managers, solution architects, sales, support and development teams including other consultants to provide end to end outcomes while becoming the trusted advisor of our customers.

Duties and Responsibilities:

  • Confidently articulate, present and demonstrate the business value of Infor’s revenue and regulatory capabilities within the Infor Public Sector (IPS) solution covering regulatory and revenue management including supporting business functions such as,
    • customer information and request management,
    • regulatory and enforcement,
    • development and planning applications,
    • land and property management,
    • customer account management, service and property billing, receipting and debt recovery.
    • Asset management lifecycle
  • You are an energetic and enthusiastic professional with an interest in building on your domain knowledge across public sector
  • You have a desire to develop as a trusted advisor with customers, partners and internal stakeholders
  • Your active involvement in industry associations and relevant networks allow you to acquire new skills and knowledge to meet evolving industry and customer needs.
  • You proactively share new skills and knowledge internally to improve our industry understanding across the team.
  • You significantly contribute both industry and application knowledge in engagements to identify, assess, quantify, and present the value of the company solution
  • Exercise individual judgment in selecting methods, techniques, and evaluation criteria for obtaining results.
  • You can assist in the development of other consultants particularly associate consultants.
  • You are self-directed and determine approach over own work for new assignments.
  • Demonstrate good time management and ability to balance priorities across multiple engagements.
  • Your experience enables you to present end-to-end “close the loop” business processes that span multiple systems/modules.
  • You are engaged in learning, continually expanding the breath of coverage you have across the applications you support.
  • You will undertake all required Professional and Product related training related to this position including the attainment of relevant certifications.
  • Your depth of solution knowledge and technical foundation allows you to efficiently research and respond to solution based technical questions for the applications you support.

Skills/ Qualifications/ Experience:

  • 2 years + of consulting experience working with Asset Management, Customer and Billing, Regulatory Management and Land Information System applications/functions - cloud-based applications within the Utility or Public Sector preferred.
  • Tertiary qualification in a business-related field is preferred.
  • Experience in comparable consulting positions in Professional Services Consulting, Utility and Public Sector organisations is required.
  • Strong business level understanding of cloud concepts and services, software platforms, application integration, data lakes and appreciation for technical architecture.

O firmie Infor

Infor jest światowym liderem w dziedzinie oprogramowania chmurowego dla firm działających na rynkach branżowych. Infor buduje kompletne pakiety branżowe w chmurze i efektywnie wdraża technologię, która stawia wrażenia użytkownika na pierwszym miejscu, wykorzystuje analitykę danych i łatwo integruje się z istniejącymi systemami. Ponad 60 000 organizacji na całym świecie polega na Infor, aby pomóc przezwyciężyć zakłócenia rynkowe i osiągnąć transformację cyfrową w całej firmie. 
Aby uzyskać więcej informacji, odwiedź www.infor.com  

Nasze wartości

W Infor dążymy do stworzenia środowiska opartego na filozofii biznesowej zwanej zarządzaniem™ (PBM™) opartym na zasadach (PBM™) i ośmiu zasadach przewodnich: uczciwość, zarządzanie i zgodność, transformacja, przedsiębiorczość oparta na zasadach, wiedza, pokora, szacunek, samorealizacja. Rosnąca różnorodność jest ważna, aby odzwierciedlić nasze rynki, klientów, partnerów i społeczności, w których służymy teraz i w przyszłości.

Jesteśmy nieustająco zaangażowani w kulturę opartą na PBM. Opierając się na zasadach, które pozwalają na rozkwit wolnego i otwartego społeczeństwa, PBM™ przygotowuje osoby do innowacji, doskonalenia i transformacji, jednocześnie wspierając zdrową, rozwijającą się organizację, która tworzy długoterminową wartość dla swoich klientów i zwolenników oraz spełnienie dla swoich pracowników.

Infor jest pracodawcą równych szans. Jesteśmy zaangażowani w tworzenie zróżnicowanego i integracyjnego środowiska pracy. Infor nie dyskryminuje kandydatów ani pracowników ze względu na ich płeć, rasę, tożsamość płciową, niepełnosprawność, wiek, orientację seksualną, religię, pochodzenie narodowe, status weterana lub jakikolwiek inny status chroniony przez prawo.

W Infor cenimy Twoją prywatność, dlatego stworzyliśmy politykę, którą możesz przeczytać tutaj.